Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thirsty! Thirsty! Thirsty!

It was a summer day, although temperature was low. I felt myself drinking more than 4litres of water. I was in the office, inside an AC room and wonder it can’t be the heat. I go around talking to my co-workers if they feel thirsty like I do. And they tell me; well it might be heat that dehydrates me. And I am thinking to myself, why just me. Why doesn’t the heat dehydrate them? So, now worried I look at few other co-workers in my office and they don’t seem to be holding a bottle around them in the office. Panicked, I Google to find out what this could possibly be a symptom for. And how I wish Google wasn’t smart enough to reveal all answers to me. But here in Google comes a whole page about Diabetes. Of course now I am paranoid and drive to the nearby Costco to talk to the pharmacist there.
Can I get Electrolyte if you have it as off the counter one?
May I ask you why you need electrolyte for?
Well I am feeling thirsty continuously, and therefore want to have electrolyte with water to relieve the thirst
I am afraid; I can only ask you to get Gatorade if you are that bad thirsty
Well but Gatorade has lots of sugar in it (I remember Google solution to my problem). I really don’t want to have that
You know what, may be I should ask you to see a doctor. Coz sometimes, it could be diabetes that can cause such thirst (just how Google said).

On my way back home, I call to make an appointment with the doctor. I go and look at myself in the mirror. Well I don’t look really slim to believe that the weight I lost is due to diabetes. On the other hand, I do not look over-weight too to hint the amount of sugar in my body. I now think to myself, well God is not so mean to punish someone such a young age with Diabetes.

I go to the doctor appointment and give my blood sugar test. Everything comes out normal and here I am relieved that I don’t have diabetes. But till date, my water thirst hasn’t stopped. I still drink more than 4lit of water, when people around me are not even sipping the required amount of daily water intake.

Still wondering what’s wrong with me.

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